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General FAQ’s about CE marking in Riyadh

  • By cert value
  • 10 Nov, 2017

General FAQ’s about CE marking in Saudi Arabia 

CE mark certification in Saudi Arabia

CE Mark in Saudi Arabia seems to be prominent in almost all the products being produced and exported. But there are lot of questions arises to the manufacturer to get the product affixed with CE Mark. It is unaware and manufacturers do not possess profound knowledge about CE Marking. Solutions for those questions are likely elaborated in a simple way understandable by a common man, in the following contextual discussion.

1.       What is CE marking?

-        CE marking is nothing but a self certification of the product by the manufacturer or authorized representative to ensure European health, safety and environmental protection which are amended by European Committee for standardization as a technical supporting documents called as product directives. CE mark certification in Saudi Arabia can be certified to a product if and only if the product meets all the safety requirements as specified by European Committee for standardization. Safety is given more importance and not the quality. CE marking is a product certification rather than a process certification. Basically CE Mark is a requirement for any product to enter European Economic area.

 2.       What is meant by product directives?

-        The community harmonized legislation of Europe has established technical documents as an essential requirement to ensure the product entering the member countries of European Union. CE mark consultant in Saudi Arabia will help drawing the relevant technical documents. These technical documents consist of specifications to the product as per the harmonized legislation. This is nothing but a product directive. Different   products consist of different product directives depending on the type of product being manufactured. CE mark certification consultant in Saudi Arabia is the right choice to take up the appropriate product directive. For example, most of the electrical products must comply with something called as Low Voltage Directive and also EMC Directive, similarly, toys must comply with the Toy Safety Directive.

 3.       What are the countries which require CE marking?

-        A sum total of 31 countries of Europe require CE marking. Among these 28 countries are members of European Union. Again Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are the member countries of European free trade association. Other than these countries, Turkey and Switzerland also believes in the CE marking even they are not the members of European Union. CE mark certification cost in Saudi Arabia is affordable if your product needs to gain a potential return on investment in the European market.

 4.       What are all the products which require CE marking?

-        It is very critical when it comes to product relating to the keen areas where it directly affects the health, safety and environmental protection aspects of human well being. CE mark certification in Riyadh is very much required for almost all the product produced. Machinery, electronic and electrical equipment, Medical devices, Toys, personal protective equipment is some of the examples which requires CE Mark to enter European Economic area. Recently on 1 July 2013 Construction Products Regulation came into effect stating that manufacturers of construction products would need to apply CE marking to any of their goods before being able to place them on the market. To know more about the new or upcoming CE requirements one can approach CE mark certification consultant in Riyadh to assist on the same.

 5.       How to verify whether a product is CE certified?

-        In most of the cases CE mark is affixed on the product itself. But there are also few exceptions where there is apace constraints to allocate the symbol. If that is the case the CE marking can affixed with the relevant documents or on the packaging. You can request for Declaration of Compliance to the manufacturer if you suspect that a manufacturer is misusing the CE mark in Riyadh.

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