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ISO 9001 Certification in Jordan

  • By cert value
  • 14 Nov, 2017

ISO 9001 Importance in Jordan

ISO 9001 Certification in Jordan

What is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 is basically Quality Management System which is most widely recognized. It helps organizations to meet the expectations and needs of their customers, amongst other benefits. An ISO 9001 quality management system helps organizations to continually monitor and manage quality across all operations, and helps in creating ways to define as well as achieve consistent performance and service. Having an ISO 9001 certification in Jordan for your organization is a really good way to move it in the right path. We are one of the best ISO 9001 consultants in Jordan serving across various sectors.

How to manage knowledge of the organization according to ISO 9001?

When you are implementing a Quality Management System (QMS) using the requirements of ISO 9001  in Jordan, you are asked to consider the organizational knowledge you need and how to maintain it. To implement the QMS, the first thing is to identify if you know all of the organizational knowledge you need for your business? Once this is identified, the next important thing to note is if this knowledge is readily & easily available, or is it restricted to within one or two key employees?

Let’s understand more about this new requirement and how it can be addressed within your QMS.

In clause 7.1.6 of the ISO 9001 , under the overall heading of support, and the sub-heading of resources, the requirements for organizational knowledge are found. Organizational knowledge is combined with other resources such as people, infrastructure of company, operations, and monitoring & measurement resources & hence the requirements are meant to highlight that a company must understand and control organizational knowledge which is one of the important resources.

What is Organizational knowledge?

It is specific knowledge to the organization, which is used and shared to achieve the objectives of the organization. This knowledge is generally gained by experience which can come internally, such as intellectual property, lessons learned from failure and successes, or the results of improvements. It can also come from external sources like from conferences, customer knowledge, or supplier knowledge.

How important is Organizational Knowledge?

Organizational knowledge as a valuable resource can help to spur an organization into action, which can be critical to the overall success of a company. Many a times companies realize the how critical the knowledge is only when some crucial employee is gone and processes stop working as they should. This is the hard way to learn the lesson of capturing and controlling organizational knowledge. Hence, by gaining the benefit of the ISO 9001 requirements and planning for organizational knowledge capture sooner rather than later, your organization will be better off in the long run. After going through some basic details on the ISO 9001 & advantages of how to manage knowledge of the organization, the next thing on your mind would be how to get ISO 9001 certificate in Jordan.

How to get ISO 9001 certificate in Jordan for your Organization?

Once you understand the importance of ISO for your organization, Certvalue comes into picture. To assist your organization with all the ISO 9001 requirements, we at Certvalue are confident of using our expertise in providing your organizations with the ISO 9001 Certification & also the ISO 9001 Consultation in Jordan. The next thing you would be interested is to know your investment required for this process. Certvalue aims to provide the ISO 9001 certification & consultation at an affordable cost in Jordan.

We, at Certvalue, are competing to be one of the top ISO 9001 consultants in Jordan. With our rich experience in handling clients across various industries, we assure to help your Organization in implementing the ISO 9001 standard & getting the ISO 9001 certification in Jordan. Having an ISO 9001 in Jordan is sure to benefit your Organization in a way that it shows your interested customers of the importance you give to maintain a Quality process in your Organization.

We strive to be the best ISO 9001 certification consultant in Jordan with the services we provide to organizations. ISO 9001 certification by an accredited and respected certification body is nowadays being demanded from suppliers and business partners by organizations that are concerned about the Quality of Services being provided to them. Certvalue being one of the best ISO 9001 consultants in Jordan makes sure that your organization gets ISO 9001 certification from among the top Accreditation bodies. 
















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